GPS & Map Tablet Rentals

One on one trail advice

Over 6,000 miles of custom routes

7 Day “Direct Mail Rental” option

  • Garmin In-Reach, and 8" Tablet

    GARMIN GPS In-Reach with its own clamp-on RAM-Mount

    8” Tablet in an OtterBox case with its own clamp-on RAM-Mount

    Charging cables for both devices along with a 2 port cig plug adapter

    GPS tracking device – monitored by LOOP Base Camp

    Paper Map with the main routes color coded to match the electronic tablet map.

  • 9.000 Square Miles mapped for you. 5,000 miles of SXS / UTV trails

    6,000 miles of Two-Track trails for your SXS, UTV, Jeep, ATV or Dirt Bike

  • PEEK-A-BOO Slot Canyon

    Peek-A-Boo Slot Canyon, technically named Red Canyon Slot, is Kanab’s best known natural features. You can access hundreds of miles of trails from this trailhead. Our maps will illustrate all of the trails and 8 other lesser known awesome destinations.

  • Nephi Pasture

    Explanatin here

  • The Paria

    Description goes here
  • The Barracks

    Description goes here